The Society is independent of any trade organisations and maintains a close connection with winemakers and key industry members by restricting membership to roughly one third winemakers, one third merchants or industry members and one third those with a strong industry interest/knowledge.
There is a joining fee, an annual fee and a fee payable when attending functions. All functions are held on the second Wednesday of the month. The annual fee allows for the replenishment of the club cellar and is reflective of the rising prices for certain fine wines. The non-refundable joining fee recognises that the member will be able to enjoy wines at functions from the Society’s extensive cellar (more than 3,000 bottles).
Nomination of New Members
If you wish to nominate a new member they must first have attended at least two functions and a nomination form completed. Please ensure that any prospective members are not aware of their nomination.
The Society has benefited greatly from donations over the years and welcomes suitable wine (or monetary) donations from any member – please contact the Cellarmaster or Secretary for more information.